Wednesday, February 25, 2009

36 week 5 day Doctor appointment

Today I had my 36 week 5 day doctors appt... all went well for the most part. I got to see my regular doctor again and had my lovely swab done. she didn't seemed concerned about the growth scan reuslts and really barley mentioned it other then to ask me what the other dr had said and that was it. I did ask her about the IV medications that are given if the swab came back postive and unfortunatley she one of those dr who seems to think that an IV should be put in when you enter the hospital as she mentioend there were many things it was needed for to keep hydrated during labour to admisinter necessary medicens and to help expel the plencta after baby was born helping the uters contract as it needs to do this. I did advise her that i did not plan on having a IV unless there was a clear medical need for it. She had some objections saying how it was necessary and sometimes an emergecny situation would arise in which it was definatley needed... this dosen't make me feel like i need it at all, should some reason arise that i need it my expectaion would be that the nurse who was putting the IV in should be well versed in doing so and able to do so quickly and efficently. She asked me to really think about it and she recommended it but she did also say that it was my decision and they would respect what I decieded. That part was nice to hear as I have already made up my mind that i will not accept an IV unless it is needed. I do not wish to be tired to an IV during my labour and plan on moving freely with out IV restrants as well as eating and drinking as i like throughout my labour. So now I just have to wait to get the results back form from swab... heres hoping that they are negative... my next appt will be next friday, I was a bit dissapoinmted as none of the OBs are going to be doing my appt but rather a person I have never ment who is a family dr that comes in to the clinic there on Friday. So we shall see how that goes... weekly appts from here on out...

1 comment:

  1. You're right.. routine IVs are not necessary. You stay hydrated by drinking (IVs can just over-hydrate causing crazy swelling afterwards among other things), Oxytocin is often given to help "expel the placenta". It just causes the uterus to contract down and stem bleeding, but the body is obviously designed to do this anyway and in the event that there's too much bleeding, you can decide to have it given as a shot (it doesn't need an IV). Also, getting baby to breast right away causes your body to secrete this hormone naturally. And yes... in the event of an emergency, an IV can be started super quick. Much faster than the time it would take to prep an OR, etc.

    And I think I'm coming down with a cold and I don't want to infect you if I am! We'll have to get together soon though... baby's going to come before we know it!
